What’s the problem with OEM bump stops?

OEM bump stops are notably rigid. When they make contact, it’s jarringly evident. You might [...]

October 2023 Pink Strength Charity Meet: DuroBumps Recap

With Pink Strength in CA, DuroBumps celebrated community and commitment. Explore our event highlights!

DuroBumps Spotlight: Adventure Rigs Magazine Dives Deep into Bump Stops

We’re thrilled to announce that DuroBumps has been prominently featured in a recent article by [...]

Why doesn’t Durobumps offer extended length front bump stops for the Toyota product line?

Safety first: DuroBumps doesn't extend front bump stops for Toyota. Preserve shock control & vehicle [...]

Rodeo X Rigs Vol. 7: Rigs on the Water Edition Vallejo, CA

Rodeo X Rigs Vol. 7 “Rigs on the Water Edition” occurred on August 26, 2023, [...]

DuroBumps 2002 Toyota 4 Runner Overview

Dive into the intricate details of Curtis from DuroBumps' iconic 2002 Toyota 4Runner, a rig [...]